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The People Gap 2-14 screenshot.png

2D Animated Educational Videos

Created for the Content Collective Initiative led by Foresight. Posted here with permission.

Foresight Canada is a cleantech business accelerator that helps ventures scale through mentorship and educational programs. While working as an animator in SFU VentureLabs, I completed 17 educational videos about good business practices and strategies. I worked closely with Amanda Lo, the Senior Program Manager at Foresight to effictively convey the messages to their customers.


  • Storyboard Artist

  • 2D Animator


  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Premiere

  • Adobe After Affects


Module 2 Storyboard-01.jpg

Storyboard and animation directions for 'The People Gap' video

I was provided a script, audio and graphic assets from previous videos in the course. After familiarizing myself with the style of animation, I analyzed the script for keywords and graphics that can be associated with it.


After gathering the necessary images, I split the script into multiple sections and bolded the cues for the animation, and then used the graphics and text to described how it will look on the video. One of the difficulties I encountered is that not all of the graphics I need are provided to me, such as the boat in 'The People Gap'. I often found myself creating graphics to match the script and rearranging existing ones in new ways.


This project taught me a lot about 2D animation with vector shapes in Adobe After Effects. I was able to set my own goals and deadlines for each video and complete them on time and my client is very satisfied with the finished product.

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