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Unwind is a meditation & wellness app that aims to work with young adults to promote healthy and consistent methods to relax throughout the day. To develop a working prototype for a mobile application, I worked in a team of 3 to create a mental health app that helps users track their meditation and schedules.

My main role on the team is UX and UI design using UXPin.


  • UX/UI Designer


  • UXPin

Ideation and Domain


The initial ideas for the app

My team and I decided to target the Health and Fitness domain. We initially came up with three ideas: A fitness app that would track workouts; A meditation app; And an app that provides calming exercises and also provides advice to benefit their mental health.

The feedback to our idea was that our domain was too broad, so we decided to target mental health only. We combined our brainstormed ideas into an app that primarily tracks the user's meditations.


After determining what activities are provided by the app, I separated them into four categories that can be accessed from the home page. Initially, I debated whether there should be separate sections for meditation and sleeping, where meditation guides the users through breathing exercises and sleep is simply a playlist for the user to relax and sleep through. 

Second iteration

Using UXPin, I focused on creating a simple layout and consistent saturation to maintain a mellow theme. I was in charge of the coding and interactivity of the prototype, and my focus was on making sure that all the interactions are functional and possible to design.

I created a bottom navigation menu for users to quickly change pages rather than returning to the home screen each time. A new page that I added is a login page and a signup page for new users. This way the user can keep their account and progress when switching devices.

The sidebar became a less cluttered version of my initial sketch. . Previously the sign out button redirects the user to a different page, but I turned it into a pop-up sign to allow the user to stay on the same page.

Final Design

For the final design, I changed the color from bright turquoise to a calmer blue to be less irritating to the eyes. I also changed a few of the bottom navigation icons to better represent the pages.

In the final prototype, I added a tutorial pop-up that explains each page for the sake of new users. I realized that a lot of the functions of the app could be confusing for users who are not familiar with using similar applications after a few people playtested our prototype. The user can choose to dismiss the tutorials on the page or skip all tutorials if they don't need them.

This project was fun to do and it had positive receptions from the class and playtesters. I definitely learned a lot about accommodating users and how to design for a better user experience.

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