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Moving Forward

A 1 minute and 20-second stop-motion animation, created by a group of three over the course of 4 months. The story is about a little girl who moved next to a grumpy old man who smokes. At first he acted rudely towards her, but eventually, his feelings begin to change after he realizes how he hurts the people around him.


  • Storyboard Artist

  • Director

  • 2D Animator

  • Videographer

  • Voice Actor


  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Premiere

  • Adobe After Affects

  • Autodesk Maya

Storyboard and Adaptation

Iat110 storyboard.jpg

Storyboard including the camera angles and frames

I adapted the story from a comic format into a storyboard, taking the limitations of character angles into account. Using colored paper, I created the old man's body with different angles of his head for the angled shots.

Old Man.jpg

Paper model of the old man's head, torso, and cigarette

I created the character model of the old man. One of the problems my team and I faced was how to animate the character's movements. In our prototype, we used pins to turn their limbs around. But after feedback from the teacher about the pins being distracting, we decided to use instant tacky, which is a kind of sticky putty, on the joints to attach and detach any time we want to move the limbs.

Filming and Post Production

Little girl expression.jpg

Digitally drawn expression of the little girl

I worked as both the co-director to decide how each scene is shot, and I took turns being the camera operator with my team to position the characters and take photos. After all the images were checked for quality, I digitally drew and animated the character's expressions frame by frame.


I voiced the old man, and I used an audio modifier to make the voices suite the tone of the character.


Overall I enjoyed creating this video and I had a ton of fun. Our film won in the class competition in the Environment category.

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