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Writer & Graphic Designer


Intercultural Youth Service Corps (IYSCorps) - PICS


  • Figma

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Cover and Table of Contents for The Climate Compass

The Climate Compass is a personal project to create a magazine about the effects of climate change and precautions you can take to protect yourself regarding these natural disasters. As the project leader, I recruited 3 other members to write articles for each section, and facilitated meetings to split the tasks.


Read the digital magazine here.

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Landslide section, The Climate Compass page 7-8

I assigned weekly tasks for each member of the team to write and search for photographs for their respective sections. I was in charge of researching, writing and arranging the graphics in a visually appealing way. I want to target a younger audience, so I made infographics and structured the content into easily digestible paragraphs.


Once the rest of the sections were written, I created graphics to match the theme of the magazine and made sure the magazine as a whole is error-free and ready to be published. I plan to distribute the magazine in local non-profit organizations, universities, and elementary schools.

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